Circadian Analysis
Cardio Dynamics is a new NHS approved cardiac monitoring service, that uses a new 17g sensor to capture every beat of your heart.
We then process the data to analyse every beat of your heart and using our patented Ai Algorithms we calculate your Blood Pressure Index and generate a full cardio-vascular report of your heart’s Circadian Rhythm.
We are Circadian Dynamics

On your time
Your body operates to your circadian rhythm. We analyse this rhythm and identify how you are functioning.

Performance rhythm
Your performance rhythm is your best chance of understanding your cardiac wellbeing. We decode it for you.

Performance impact
Analysing every beat of your heart and comparing your system performance across multiple days enables a much clearer picture.

Daily differences
We analyse every beat of your heart and compare your system performance across multiple days.

Phenotype impact
Are you a lark or an owl? Do you perform better in the morning or in the evening? Are you playing to your circadian strengths?

Peak times
Identifying your circadian rhythm, shows best performance trends based on your physiological response, we help you decipher it.
We send you a non-invasive 17g device that you stick on for 72 hours. You can shower with it on and carry on with normal activities.
When you are finished you put it in the post back to us. We then use an NHS approved ECG analysis service to check every beat of your heart. We then use our Ai Algorithms to convert the ECG signal into our patented Blood Pressure Index allowing us to map your cardio-vascular performance to your circadian rhythm.
Finally we use cutting edge Heart Rate Variability analysis to create a clear picture of your Circadian Rhythm.
Circadian analysis and blood pressure monitoring offer invaluable insights into your body’s natural rhythms and cardiovascular health, empowering you to make informed lifestyle choices and proactively manage your well-being.

Use case 1
Improve performance & reduce injury
Circadian Dynamics is a new NHS approved cardiac monitoring service, that uses a new 17g sensor to capture every beat of your heart.
We then process the data to analyse every beat of your heart and using our patented Ai Algorithms we calculate your Blood Pressure Index and generate a full cardio-vascular report of your heart’s Circadian Rhythm.
Use case 2
Cardiac Analysis
Using the latest and most in-depth Cardiac Analysis available we provide ECG reporting from our simple stick-on sensor.
Approved to NHS standards we utilise the best-in-class algorithms to categorise your heart’s performance and report this back to you in simple to understand layman’s terms.

Use case 3
Understand your Circadian Rhythm
Your circadian rhythm is your body clock, we open up the clock face and look to see how you are performing. We work out how much sleep you are getting, what kind of sleep, how relaxed your heart is when you sleep, how your blood pressure system is responding and we decode this for you, showing you where small improvements might have big impacts.
Stress Management through Blood Pressure Index Monitoring
Stress is a common issue that affects many people, and it can have a negative impact on your health and well-being. High levels of stress can cause your blood pressure to rise, which can increase your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and other health issues. Our ECG-based blood pressure indexing wellness report can help you manage stress and maintain a healthy blood pressure level.
By monitoring your blood pressure index regularly with our service, you can track how your body responds to stress and identify any patterns or triggers that may be contributing to your elevated blood pressure. Armed with this information, you can take steps to manage your stress levels and reduce your risk of developing other cardiovascular health problems.
Our wellness report provides you with valuable insights into your body’s response to sleep and stress, allowing you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle and health. Whether you need to adjust your exercise routine or timing, change your diet, or adopt stress-reduction techniques, our service can help you take control of your health and well-being.